By Larry Fyffe
Note: The Untold Dylan Offices received the following by mail in a plain brown envelope. Apparently, it’s a copy of a song re-written by Bob due to protests from vegetable rights groups –
Man Gave Names To All The Vegetables
Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago He saw a vegetable that likes to grow In big long rows that he has to hoe Some coloured yellow, some coloured green "Ah, I think I'll call it a bean" Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago He saw a vegetable with great big ears It's very tall but it can not hear Li'l Boy Blue come blow your horn "Ah, I think I'll call it a corn" Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago He saw a vegetable with lots of eyes It can't see, but it makes good fries Sliced up nice by chef Van Gogh "Ah, I think I'll call it a potato" Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago He saw a vegetable that likes to sprout Come on baby, we can work it on out With a little help from Peter Rabbit "Ah, I think I'll call it a carrot" Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago Next vegetable that he did meet Had bright red roots, and tastes like feet Walkin' without boots in a boggy peat "Ah, I think I'll call it a beet" Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave name to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago He saw a vegetable with great big pods Dancin' in the breeze, and givin' him nods Saw it appear by a lake down near a tree "Ah, I think I call it a pea" Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago He saw a vegetable that made him tear In Scarlet Town where a graveyard's near There lies the body of Damon Runyon "I think I'll call it an onion" Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, in the beginning Man gave names to all the vegetables In the beginning, long time ago He saw a vegetable he doesn't like When nature walkin' on a hike "What's it's name....I'll give you a guess I think I'll call it .........."
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