This page is an index to some of our articles that relate Dylan’s work to other writers, and to specific themes.
You may also find the following articles of interest:
- They’ve Got A Lotta Nerve: a rebuttal of those who say Dylan didn’t deserve the Nobel Prize
- Bob Dylan: Truth, Beauty, And Goodness
- My Ruth’s In The Highlands A-Chaffing The Corn: Dylan’s Idealization of Women.
Auden WH: The Three Penny Opera: Bob Dylan And WH Auden.
Baudelaire, Charles: The Ghosts Of Electricity: Bob Dylan And Symbolism
Brecht, Bertolt & Kurt Weill
- The Line Forms On The Right: Bobby’s Back In Town.
- Dylan & the Threepenny Opera (part 1)
- Part II: The Three Penny Opera:
- Bob Dylan And WH Auden
- Things have changed or have they?
Blake, William.
- Eden Is Where You Find It: Frederich Nietzsche, William Blake, And Bob Dylan
- Bob Dylan Has His Blake, And Keats It Too
- Blake, Keats, And Spots Of Ink: Spinning Reels Of Rhyme
- Literary Allusions l
- Literary Allusions ll
Breton, Andre: Bob Dylan And Andre Breton
Bremser, Ray: Bob Dylan And Ray Bremser : Post-Modernism
Browning, Robert: The Browning Of The Green Mountain
Buckley, Lord: Bob Dylan And Lord Buckley
Burns, Robert: Bob Dylan And William Carlos Williams
Lord Byron:
Catallus: Bob Dylan and Catullus: Greek and Roman Mythology
Cervantes, Miguel de
- La Mancha is Blowing in the Wind: Bob Dylan and Don Quixote (Part I)
- La Mancha is Blowing in the Wind: Bob Dylan and Don Quixote (Part II)
Chaucer, Geoffrey.
- Bob Dylan and Geoffrey Chaucer: Thunder on the Mountain
- Bob Dylan And Geoffrey Chaucer: The Death Of Pity
Cohen, Leonard: Source Of Lily, Rosemary, And The Jack Of Hearts (Part III)
Coleridge, Samuel.
- The Land Of Milk And Honey: Bob Dylan And Samuel Coleridge
- Bob Dylan And Samuel Coleridge (Part ll)
- Bob Dylan’s Confronts Gothicism
- Literary Allusions l
Conrad, Joseph: Bob Dylan And The Heart Of Darkness
Corso, Gregory: Bob Dylan And Gregory Corso: The Owl Of Minerva And The Skylark
Crane, Hart: Hart Crane: The Hart Of The Matter
Crane, Stephen: Bob Dylan and Stephen Crane
Cummings, Edward: Bob Dylan and Edward Cummings: The Romantic Revival
Donne, John: Literary Allusions ll
Ducasse, Lucien: Bob Dylan And Lucien Ducasse: The Maldoror
Emily Dickinson: My Ruth’s In The Highlands
Eliot, TS. TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, and Bob Dylan Fighting In The Captain’s Tower
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: Bob Dylan And Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Fitzgerald, F Scott: Bob Dylan And F Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby and Summer Days
Freud, Sigmund. You Can Be My Dream If I Can Be In Yours: Bob Dylan Meets Dr. Freud
Frost, Robert
Allen Ginsberg:
Graves, Roberts. The Great White Wonder: Bob Dylan And Robert Graves
Hanagid, Shmuel
- Modern Times revisited: Bob Dylan and Shmuel Hanagid Part One
- Modern Times revisited – Dylan Hanagid Part Two
Nathaniel Hawthorne Bob Dylan And Henry Longfellow
Hood, Thomas. Bob Dylan: Feelings Have Changed
Hughes, Langston. Bob Dylan And Walt Whitman: Writing In The Captain’s Tower
Joyce, James:
Keats, John
- Bob Dylan And John Keats part one
- Bob Dylan and John Keats part two
- Bob Dylan And John Keats part three
- Bob Dylan has his Blake and Keats it too
- Blake, Keats and Spots of Ink: Spinning Reels of Rhyme
Khayyam, Omar:
- Listen To The Dylanesque Whistle Blowing
- Bob Dylan And Omar Khayyam (Part II): Christ And The Monkeyman
Kipling, Rudyard Bob Dylan And Rudyard Kipling: The God Of Deliverance, The God Of Forgiveness, And The Law Of The Jungle
Lindsay, Vachel: Bob Dylan And The Beat Poetry Of Vachel Lindsay
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth:
- Bob Dylan And Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Desire (Part I)
- Bob Dylan And Henry Longfellow: Desire (Part II)
- Bob Dylan And Henry Longfellow: Conclusion
MacLeish, Archibald
Melville, Herman: Gnosticism: Bob Dylan: Mixed-Up Confusion
Millay Edna : Time Out Of Mind: Bob Dylan Paints His Masterpiece
Milton, John: Bob Dylan: Feelings Have Changed
Nietzsche Frederich: Literary Allusions I
- Spirit On The Water: Dylan Borrows From God, Sonny Boy Williamson, And Ovid
- Ovid: Ain’t Talkin’: Bob Dylan, Like Ovid, In Exile
- Beyond Here Lies Nothing: Dylan And Ovid
Charles Perrault (1628-1703)
Poe, Edgar Allan:
Porter, Cole: Bob Dylan And Cole Porter
Pound, Ezra.
Ransom, John Crowe
Rilke, Rainer
- Bob Dylan and Rainer Rilke
- Bob Dylan and Rainer Rilke (Part II)
- Bob Dylan and Rainer Rilke (Part III): Rose as Symbol
- Bob Dylan And Helen Jackson
Rimbaud, Arthur.
- Dylan and Rimbaud part I
- Dylan and Rimbaud part II
- Dylan and Rimbaud part III
- Dylan And Arthur Rimbaud (Part IV)
Sandburg, Carl
Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare’s In The Well With His Pointed Claws And His Bell
Shelly, Percy.
Smart, Elizabeth: Bob Dylan: Songs Of Alchemy
Sigourney, Lydia: Bob Dylan And Henry Longfellow, Part II
Spenser, Edmund
Stevens, Wallace. Charles Swinburne, Wallace Stevens, And The Jack Of Hearts
Swedenborg Emanuel The Browning Of The Green Mountain: Bob Dylan Visits Swedenborg
Swinburne, Charles Charles Swinburne, Wallace Stevens, And The Jack Of Hearts
Lord Tennyson:
- Bob Dylan and Lord Tennyson: Flagging down the Double E
- Property Of Jesus
- Carl Sandburg And Bob Dylan: Part II)
- Literary Allusions ll
Thomas, Dylan.
- Dylan On Dylan: The Songs Of Bob Dylan And The Poems Of Dylan Thomas
- Under The Milk Wood With Bob Dylan
Timrod, Henry: Bob Dylan And Henry Timrod: The Country Coleridge Rambles
Tolkien RR: Literary Allusions l
Verlaine, Paul
- The Never-Ending Art Of Becoming: Bob Dylan And Paul Verlaine
- Bob Dylan: Paul Verlaine And Charles Perrault
Villon, Francois: Things have changed or have they?
Virgil: Virgil: Dylan And Aeneas: The Greatest Troy Ever Sold
Whitman, Walt: Bob Dylan And Walt Whitman: Writing In The Captain’s Tower
Williams, Tennessee: Bob Dylan And Tennessee Williams
John Whittier : Dylan’s Other Speech
Williams, William Carlos
Wordsworth, William My Ruth’s In The Highlands
Yeats, William:
And in terms of movements and themes
- Bob Dylan and Gnosticism The Starting Point
- Bob Dylan and Gnosticism: Johannine Visions
- Bob Dylan and Gnosticism: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
- Bob Dylan and Christian Gnosticism
- Hebrew Gnosticism in Dylan’s song lyrics
- A frankly delivered Gnostic message: Dylan’s “Every grain of sand”
- Bob Dylan and the Symbols of Alchemy.
Accuracy: Bob Dylan’s Julius and Ethel: the accuracy of the story is not the point.
American Gothic: Bob Dylan Introduces American Gothic To Folk Rock
Broken Hearts: Bob Dylan’s Broken Hearts Club: a review of Blood on the Tracks
The Circus: Bob Dylan Under The Big Top: The Clown Of Thorns
Darkness: Bob Dylan And The Heart Of Darkness
Moving on: Bob Dylan’s endless need to keep leaving, keep wandering and just keep moving on.
Painters: Bob Dylan And Bottichelli, DaVinci, Delacroix, Duchamp, Picasso and Van Gogh
Religion: Bob Dylan’s Messiah: Songs Of Light And Darkness
Robin Hood: The Arrows They Are A-Flyin’: Bob Dylan Disguised As Robin Hood
Symbolism. The Ghosts Of Electricity: Bob Dylan And Symbolism
Time: Time Passes Quickly: Bob Dylan and his eternal fight against time
Women: My Ruth’s In The Highlands A-Chaffing The Corn: Dylan’s Idealization of Women.
What is on the site
1: Over 400 reviews of Dylan songs. There is an index to these in alphabetical order below on this page, and an index to the songs in the order they were written in the Chronology Pages. Also a list of the most read articles on this site.
2: The Chronology. We’ve taken all the songs we can find recordings of and put them in the order they were written (as far as possible) not in the order they appeared on albums. The chronology is more or less complete and is now linked to all the reviews on the site. We have also recently started to produce overviews of Dylan’s work year by year. The index to the chronologies is here.
3: Bob Dylan’s themes. We publish a wide range of articles about Bob Dylan and his compositions. There is an index here.
4: The Discussion Group We now have a discussion group “Untold Dylan” on Facebook. Just type the phrase “Untold Dylan” in, on your Facebook page or follow this link
5: Bob Dylan’s creativity. We’re fascinated in taking the study of Dylan’s creative approach further. The index is in Dylan’s Creativity.
6: You might also like: A classification of Bob Dylan’s songs and partial Index to Dylan’s Best Opening Lines
And please do note The Bob Dylan Project, which lists every Dylan song in alphabetical order, and has links to licensed recordings and performances by Dylan and by other artists, is starting to link back to our reviews.