Here we cover collections of articles on particular subjects and songs.
On the road again
- On The Road Again (1965) part I: I don’t know why everyone is so rude
- On The Road Again (1965) part 2: The shitting Pope
- On The Road Again (1965) part 3: A handsome Malacca sword-cane
- On The Road Again (1965) part 4 (conclusion)
Bob Dylan: Cooking up more mythologies
The final episode was published at
and contains a full index to the series.
Early Roman Kings
- Early Roman Kings (2012) part I: Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
- Early Roman Kings (2012) part II: Anything goes
- Early Roman Kings (2012) part III: He had a left like Henry’s hammer
- Early Roman Kings (2012) part IV: You can ring my bell, ring my bell
- Early Roman Kings (2012) part V: I will massacre you
- Early Roman Kings (2012) part VI: The beauty of the flames
The Gates of Eden in depth
Background: The Multiple Gates of Eden
- Gates Of Eden part I: The Lady In The Water
- Gates Of Eden part II: As if he was just taking dictation
- Gates Of Eden part III: Hello lamppost, nice to see ya
- Gates Of Eden part IV: Out of the depths have I cried
- Gates Of Eden part V: A wedding-cake left out in the rain
- Gates Of Eden part VI: The cowpuncher and the Golden Calf
- Gates Of Eden part VII: She-devils and wild angels
- Gates Of Eden: VIII. When everyone’s super… no one will be
- Gates Of Eden part IX: I’m The Greatest
- Gates Of Eden part X: Domus ad orientem solem
- Gates of Eden part XI: Forever Young
California Brown Eyed Baby
- California Brown Eyed Baby – another musical setting of the Dylan song.
- Another incomplete Dylan song
Bob Dylan’s ongoing critique of social injustice
- Bob Dylan’s Ongoing Critique of Social Injustice and Masters of War Part 1
- Bob Dylan’s Ongoing Critique of Social Injustice and Masters of War Part 2
- Bob Dylan’s Ongoing Critique of Social Injustice and Masters of War Part 3
- Bob Dylan’s Ongoing Critique of Social Injustice and Masters of War Part 4
Love is just a four letter word (this series is complete)
- Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word (1965): 1 – Anything goes
- Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word: Part II: Can ya dig this?
- Love is just a four-letter word – Part III: Good and evil are but four-letter words, too
- Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word – Part IV: Tennessee
- Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word (Part V): Are you going away with no word of farewell?
- Love is just a four letter word Part VI: You been double-dealing
- Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word; Part VII: Now I understand
- Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word. Part VIII: But it’s all over now
- Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word: Part IX: I sit and watch the children play
Bob Dylan and Thomas Hardy
This series is concluded and the full index is here
Bob Dylan Showcase
- Our Prodigal Son: another venture for the Untold Dylan Showcase
- Another incomplete Dylan song, completed: California Brown Eyed Baby
- Untold Showcase. Inspired by Murder Most Foul: ‘Marilyn Monroe – Endless Night’
Bob Dylan and Hank Snow
- LATEST: Bob Dylan and Hank Snow (Part II)
- Bob Dylan and Hank Snow: Little Buddy, Drunkard’s Son, Moving On. (Dylan and Hank Snow Part 1)
- Thunder on the Mountain: it’s a cruel world in Bob Dylan’s song
- Bob Dylan and Geoffrey Chaucer: thunder on the mountain
- Bob Dylan’s Thunder on the Mountain: Heylin falls off a cliff, Bob keeps on keeping on
- Dylan deconstructed: He’s inside out, upside down, right side up
John Wesley Harding and the Drifters Escape
- John Wesley Harding (1967). The argument against.
- John Wesley Harding: the meaning of the music and the lyrics
- The Drifter’s Escape: the meanings and the re-interpretation
- Deadwood and Deadman: Bob Dylan and post-modernism
Bob Dylan and Alchemy
- Bob Dylan And The Symbols Of Alchemy: Birds Of Pray
- Bob Dylan and the songs of Alchemy
- Bob Dylan and the symbols of Alchemy: but is he a Gnostic?
- Rita May by Bob Dylan (1975). The argument for and against.
- Rita May by Bob Dylan and Jacques Levy. The antidote to Joey or once more misguided
Can Bob Be Saved?
- Can Bob Be Saved?
- Can Bob Be Saved? (Part II)
- Can Bob Be Saved (Part III)
- Can Bob Be Saved (Part IV)
- Can Bob Be Saved (Part V): Door Is Not Just A Four Letter Word
- Can Bob Be Saved (Part VIl)
- Can Bob Be Saved (Part VII): Open The Door William
- Can Bob Dylan Be Saved (Part VIII): The Raft Of The Medusa
- Can Bob Dylan Be Saved (Part IX): Emily Dickinson
- Can Bob Be Saved (Part X)
Tombstone Blues
- Tombstone Blues part I: Daddy’s looking for the fragmentation bomb’s fuse
- Tombstone Blues II: Duck back down
- Tombstone Blues III Let’s Go Get Stoned
- Tombstone Blues part IV Medicine Man
- Tombstone Blues part V: he was kiddin’ me, didn’t he?
- Tombstone Blues part VI: Under the Yellow Angel
- Tombstone Blues part VII: Found someone, you have, I would say
- Tombstone Blues (1965) part VIII Ninety Nine Years
- Tombstone Blues (1965) part IX You must leave now
- Tombstone Blues part X: Ludwig Van
- Tombstone Blues (1965) part XI: Mozart’s weather chart
- Tombstone Blues (1965) part XII: The malicious nightingale
- Tombstone Blues part XIII (finale): I walk 47 miles of barbed wire