This article follows from
- Bob Dylan and More Mythology (Part I)
- Bob Dylan And More Mythology (Part II)
- Bob Dylan And More Mythology (Part III)
- Bob Dylan And More Mythology (Part IV)
- Bob Dylan And Mythology (Part V)
By Larry Fyffe
As times change, renewed mythologies emerge, and collide with the old.
Christianity unites the Roman Empire, but clashes with Greek and Roman mythology. For example, it is claimed that Philomela turns into a nightingale to escape from Tereus who raped her:
Over Philomela's pity-pleading strains My friend, and thou, our sister! We have learnt A different lore. We may not thus profane Nature's sweet voices, always full of love And joyance! 'Tis the merry nightingale (Samuel Coleridge: The Nightingale)
The Romantic Transcendental literary movement arises to save the tenets of Christianity from the Deism of the Enlightenment, but clashes with religious orthodoxy:
'Tis Easter eve; the day is fading O Thou, with whom there is no death While twilight every path is shading Breathe through us they sweet Spirit's breath! (Lucy Larcom: Sunrise And Sunset)
Poet Samuel Coleridge appears to violate his own dictum in order not to stray too far from away from established religion – death is supposed to be a punishment inflicted on humans for listening to the Devil:
The substance, that still casts the shadow, Death The dragon foul and fell! The unrevealable And hidden one, whose breath Gives wind and fuel to the fires of Hell (Samuel Coleridge: Ne Plus Ultra)
In the following lyrics, a Gothic poet mocks how poetic language imposes figurative order on the mysterious external world of Nature:
For, alas! alas! with me The light of life is over! No more - no more - no more .... Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree Or the stricken eagle soar! (Edgar Allan Poe: To One In Paradise)
In the song lyrics below, a singer/songwriter joins the choir:
Beneath the thunder-blasted trees The words are ringing off your tongue The ground is hard at times like these Stars are cold, the night is young (Bob Dylan: Tell Ol' Bill)
The more time passes, the more messed with are these mythologies. Below, Romantic Transcendentalism gets a harsh Gnostic make-over:
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees Is my destroyer (Dylan Thomas: The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives The Flower)
Saved the Romantic aspect is in the following song lyrics – Nature not profaned with the help of a female Muse:
If not for you Winter would have no spring Couldn't hear the robin sing I just wouldn't have a clue If not go for you (Bob Dylan: If Not For You)
Nevertheless, the statue of a benevolent Absolute God shows signs that it’s wearing away:
I ponder over the sacred word I read the record of our Lord And, weak and troubled, envy them Who touched His seamless garment's hem (John Whittier: Chapel Of The Hermits)
In the following song lyrics, the mythological/religious story above gets ripped apart, becomes Postmodern:
By the marbled slabs, and fields of stone You make your humble wishes known I touched the garment, but the hem was torn In Scarlet Town where I was born (Bob Dylan: Scarlet Town)
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