An extra Dylan cover a day: More idiot wind

By Tony Attwood

This little note is by way of a thank you, and by way of a more generalised request.   I’ll start with the request first.

Because of the reach of Untold Dylan and the generally positive way in which the site is viewed by a fair number of Dylan fans, people write in to me with thoughts and ideas about Dylan and the site.  And that is great – we’ve got half a dozen regular writers working on the site, but I know that lots of people don’t fancy writing a whole article, so they want to send in suggestions for something one of us could perhaps try.

And I guess this is why I have been sent the link above – it is to a superb recording of Idiot Wind in Spanish.  And I very much do hope that if you like the song as much as I do, you’ll play it.

Indeed if you missed the recent Dylan Cover a Day article on Idiot Wind, it will make a nice extra piece of listening.

But quite often when I get a follow up sent to my email address, what is missing is the context.  In this case I can guess that the context is “I saw your commentary on Idiot Wind and thought you might like to hear this version as well, and perhaps even give it a mention on the site.”   Although of course it could have been, “Talk about being an idiot, how could you miss this version?”

To be fair, I’m sure it is not that last approach, but this is a moment for me to make the point.  If you are writing to me please do remember that I am getting on a bit, and just because I wrote about something yesterday, that doesn’t mean I can remember what I wrote yesterday.  Well, maybe I can, but to be safe, please do give me a bit of context.

So thank you Francisco Garcia for forwarding this recording.  I am not sure if you are a fan of the band, or a member of the band, or the lead singer of the band, or…  But I’m taking it that you wanted me to consider this for inclusion on the site, and I have considered, like it a lot, and have put it up.  Hope I did what you wanted!

By the way, it would be nice to know (in English if possible) something about the band.  Any chance of that?



  1. Idiot Wind in Spanish? Interesting… great sounding production. Thanks for sharing it with regular readers. Changes to blog? Hmmmm… keep doing what you are doing.

  2. Tony, if Francisco sends you the requested info in Spanish I’ll translate it to you, that’s my regular job.

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