Dylan on Tour: Erfurt 8th October 2024

Dylan on Tour: concert recordings selected by Tony Attwood

In this series, I’m just searching the internet for complete, or near complete, recordings of Dylan concerts or rehearsals.  In each case I’m not particularly concerned with the video – it is the music, and having a record of what it actually sounded like, rather than what commentators have said it sounded like.

Now this time the quality suffers somewhat, as it is a rehearsal recording, but the fact that it is a rehearsal gives an extra level of interest.

The recordings we have had along the way are

And I really want to emphasise the point that this is not something exclusive to Untold Dylan, so really this series shouldn’t be here (not being “untold” as it were).  But I’ve had a few emails saying that this is an interesting extra collection for Untold to have, so it seems to me to be a worthwhile gathering together of a few interesting recordings all in one place.



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