Publisher’s note
Phillip Gardener emailed me with his comments on the film “A Complete Unknown” having read recently, after reading my review, and I thought his comments were worth sharing. Phillip has kindly given me permission to reprint his email text here. The picture and video has been added by the publisher…
After having watched A Complete Unknown……
I was a 16-year-old Dylan fan and had queued all night in the pouring rain for a ticket to see him play at ABCRitz in Belfast on Friday 6th May 1966.
I played in a group back then called The Set, our manager informed us three days after I bought my ticket that he had secured us a ‘gig’ on Friday 6th May !!!! Can you imagine my horror, I wouldn’t be able to see the great man!
What our manager omitted to tell us when he announced our ‘gig’ was that it was as the introduction band for The Who (an up-and-coming band at the time!) who were playing at a place called The Top Hat in Lisburn.
The Who, Rodger Daltry, Pete Townsend, Keith Moon and John Entwistle were staying at the International Hotel which was directly behind Belfast City Hall. Dylan was booked into the old Grand Central hotel which was on the site that Castle Court is now on.
After our ‘gig’ we went back to the International with The Who , I won’t go into what we had to drink or smoke as I was under age!
Just after twelve, Bob Dylan and his manager walked in to join us for the rest of what was left of the evening!! He was told that the Who would be at the International and he wanted to meet them.
After having wanted to strangle our group manager for arranging a ‘gig’ on the same night that Dylan was playing …. If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met and played with Bob Dylan!
Phillip Gardner
PS From the publisher. I too was a Who fan, and indeed saw them at this time too – I think it was at the University of Sussex, but I might be mistaken as to the venue. The memories are hazy. There is a video of the Who from this era here.
I’m always delighted to receive reminiscences and thoughts on anything Dylan related for publication here. You can get in touch with me via