Untold Dylan author’s book becomes Bob Dylan book of the month



Every month the Bob Dylan Book Club (jauntily known as “It’s alright ma I’m only reading”) has a book of the month.   And for February 2025, the book-of-the-month is “Blood on the Tracks: Dylan’s Masterpiece in Blue” by Jochen Markhorst.

And I really do hope the author’s name rings a bell because we have published a wide array of series by Jochen, such as the recently concluded “Rolling Stone” series.  You can find an index to that series of articles at the end of Like A Rolling Stone (1965) part 13: The songs find their way to me one way or another.

Indeed Jochen, as I am sure you must appreciate if you are a regular reader, is one of the mainstays of Untold Dylan, known for his in-depth reviews of Dylan’s compositions which we have been publishing for several years now, and which having been published here, become available as books (listed at the end of each of Jochen’s articles, as you may well have noticed).

And his work is continuing to get the wider recognition that it most certainly deserves in particular via the February 2025 book-of-the-month which is Blood on the Tracks: Dylan’s Masterpiece in Blue by, of course, Jochen Markhorst.

The club announcement says that, “We chose this book because 2025 is the 50th anniversary year of this album—Blood on the Tracks.”   And then the official announcement of the club quite rightly goes on…

“There is a second reason that our February 2025 book selection is of note: the author Jochen Markhorst has become a prolific Dylan author, with, by my count 18 books, each one a deep dive and mediation on an album or a song. Craig Danuloff of Dylan.FM has said that Markhorst’s books are like having a “recorded tour guide” at an art museum.”

I must say I am really delighted for Jochen, (and in passing for this website), that this has happened.  And so in return, I’m pleased to pass on a note about the Book Club.   You can find out more and join for free at https://www.bobdylanbookclub.com/

And maybe, you never know, the Book Club might care to tell some of its members about Untold Dylan.  Obviously this site is not a book, so maybe not, but I’m sure Jochen will pass on a word or two about what we do.

So, multiple congratulations Jochen.   And as a note to all our other authors who have so kindly given up so much of their time creating articles for Untold Dylan.  Why not turn your series into a book – perhaps with a little note about Untold Dylan in passing?

And come to that, to everyone who ever thought that she or he has something interesting to say about Bob Dylan.   How about writing something for us, and then turning it into a book, and then…. well who knows?

Indeed I might have a go myself!

Congratulations Jochen, and I say that on behalf of everyone who has ever had something to do with Untold Dylan

Tony Attwood (publisher)


  1. Congratulations, Jochen! I’ve eagerly awaited each installment on everything that’s been published on Untold Dylan. Thanks, Tony for maintaining/curating/producing/editing this fantastic site!
    In peace,

  2. And my thanks to you Jeff for your kind comments. To have positive comments among all the irrelevance and occasional abuse that pours in (and of course is not published) is a real pleasure.

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