Intro by Tony Attwood; new lyrics and commentary by Julian Morgan.
We first published a review of “To fall in love with you” two years ago and during the past 12 months that review has been the fourth most viewed page on this site – which considering we get around 1 million page views a year, is quite an achievement.
In case you are interested, the top four for the past 12 months have been
You’ll notice of course that the only three songs that come above “To fall in love with you” are three absolute classics. “To fall in love with you” has never been released and can only be found via one bootlegged recording. (There’s a link to it below).
It is the “lost” song more than any other that has engaged, and continues to engage, Dylan fans endlessly.
In the original review, linked to above, I put in one version of the lyrics, and since then several other commentators have been kind enough to put in their versions too. And it seems to have been worthwhile – if you type “To fall in love with you Bob Dylan” into Google then in many parts of the world our review comes up under links to the recording. That’s rather encouraging.
In a short while I am going to put up another page on this song, and of course an index to the various articles on the song, so the alternative versions of the lyrics can be read more easily. But here I want to put up a set of lyrics and a commentary by Julian Morgan.
Julian and I have been exchanging thoughts on this song for some while, and it’s only right that his hearing of the lyrics should get a page to themselves.
New lyrics and commentary by Julian. The link to the song itself follows below the commentary.
My feel go down…my day is real
Like a dying eye…upon (this day-the sail)
And it just rolls…from me from you
What (paradise – paradigm)…what can I do
That dying am I …and the day is dark
I can’t believe…far in your touch
What I can find…and the time is around
To feel in love…to fall in love
To fall in love …….with you.
That day is dark…our time is right
Day in the night…deep in the night
I cleaned every bag…I hear’ed my supply
I see it in your lips…I knew it in your eyes
Well I feel your love…and I feel no shame
I can’t release your heart…I call your name
What good to me…what can I do
To fall in love…to fall in love…
To fall in love …..with you .
It just rolls…upon the sand
Never this and now…hath made the man
And makes you be…what I can find
I knew it in my days…ah! in my daily mind
Where ages roll…where ages fly
I hear your name..where angel lies
What do I know…what to come it’s true
To fall in love…to fall in love
To fall in love ……with you .
How can the doors…trust on a nail
I tend to be surprised…most every day
I read it in this road…I can’t be the same
I feel your love …I feel no shame
I dunno ( don’t know) what’s to pay…and am I in awe
With a dusty man…I gave my tears to go
I did all I could buy…what I could do
To fall in love…to fall in love
To fall in love…….with you .
Line 13 (I cleaned every bag…I hear’ed my supply) is the line I can least vouch for , although Dylan is definitely cleaning something . What I have written is , I believe coherent to the coherent structure .
I’m also definitely hearing a ‘ hear’ed ‘ which , similarly to the ‘ hath ‘ in line 22, ( Never this and now…hath made the man) infers a statement as of biblical gospel.
This particular Dylan song is remarkable, as it is clearly setting the emotional substance of subjective reality over the intellectual , noting the conflict between the two.
The first and last lines are clearly clinchers . It embodies a similar message , I feel , to one song which comes to mind of Will Oldham , which ends with the statement…
” And even if love were not what I wanted …. Love wound make love the thing most desired “.
I think it would be shallow to interpret Dylan’s use of ” you” in this song as referring to a single person . This is certainly a ‘This is MY relationship with MYSELF and ALL OF YOU’ song , and therefore makes it perhaps the closest thing to a self revelation as we are ever likely to get from him; and very touching considering his self guarded personality.
I think he left the song rather cryptically, like the tip of his iceberg. That it brings a lump into my through if probably enough for me!
What else is on the site?
Untold Dylan contains a review of every Dylan musical composition of which we can find a copy (around 500) and over 300 other articles on Dylan, his work and the impact of his work.
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The alphabetical index to the 552 song reviews can be found here. If you know of anything we have missed please do write in. The index of the songs in chronological order can be found here.
We also now have a discussion group “Untold Dylan” on Facebook. Just type the phrase “Untold Dylan” in, on your Facebook page or follow this link
And please do note The Bob Dylan Project, which lists every Dylan song in alphabetical order, and has links to licensed recordings and performances by Dylan and by other artists, is starting to link back to our reviews.
Starting with the last verse, here’s what I hear:
How can the door trust on a nail
I cannot be surprised most every day
I read it in the road, I can’t be the same
I feel no love, I feel no shame
Okay, what’s to be, am I alone with a dusty man?
I gave my tears to go, I did not like goodbye
With lack of doubt
To fall in love with you, to fall in love with you
To fall in love with you
It just rolls upon the sand
Never this and now had made the man
And makes you be what I can find
I know it in my day, in my very mind
Where the ages roll, where the ages fly
I hear your name where the angel lie
What do I know, what a-come it’s true
To fall in love with you, to fall in love with love
To fall in love with you
The day is dark, our time is right
Day in the night, deep in the night
I cleaned every bag I had in my supply
I see it in your lips, I knew it in your eyes
Well, I feel your love, and I feel no shame
I cannot ease your heart, I call your name
What good to me, what can I do
To fall in love with you, to fall in love with you
To fall in love with the you?
My deal go down, my day is real
Like a dying eye upon the stage
And me just roll, from me, from you
What paradise, what can I do?
There dying am I, and the day is dark
I can believe far in the touch
What I could find for time is around
To fall in love with you, to fall in love with you
To fall in love with you
* And each just roll
**There die am I
On a bootleg? Yes, I see it online but I have it from the show in which it was performed in Florence in 2009 … it was a concert in which Bob decided to sing all the songs but without their normal and familiar tunes, almost singtalking through them and sometimes with a bit of difficulty! Ah well. I downloaded all the of 2009 shows and they are still something to cherish and hear occasionally.
Canute – why not upload it to YouTube so we can all hear? I particularly want to because on the official set list of that gig there is no mention of this song.
Apologies Tony … I got it wrong I read the piece on “To fall in love with you.” and went looking for the bootleg and found instead Florence 2009 with ‘Til I Fell In Love with You’ and immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion and put up my comment. I came back to quickly delete it and saw what you’ve asked.
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Up till go down
my day is at a wheel by her dyeing eye
upon the sage
ambiguous role
form me from you
what part was I,
what can I do ?
Bet dime of mind
and the dim is a dark
I can’t believe
nor ain’t a judge
what I get fined
over time is a wide load
as day is dark, a time isn’t right
day in the lay, deep in the night,
I game every bet, I hurry buy her a surprise
i see it in your lips
i knew it in your eyes
but i feel your love
and i feel no sin
i came and leash your horse
i called your name
what curse on me
what can i do
a rigid role upon the said
never just an hour a hand made the man
and make you to be what have defined
i know it in my name
and in my merely mind
oh of your addressed role
where ages flied
i hear your name ah where angel lied
what do i know
what to come is true
i’ve been the door, i trust not a lane,
i can not be surprised almost everything,
and in each distant road, i can’t be the same,
i keen no love
i cure no shame,
i am catered what’s to be
an admiring lone
with my destined meant
i came and mined this door
and then ah i get by
will i get though