By Tony Attwood
Well, you don’t get a Dylan song that for one reason or another we’ve never listed on this site, for months and months, and then suddenly a couple turn up within a week or two of each other.
Of course that is no one’s fault but mine; I’m supposed to have the job of tracking the remaining few compositions down. Aaron is currently cursing himself for having (like me) missed “Talking Hugh Brown” but it is really my fault. It turned up on the 1960 Minnesota Party Tape.
So apologies from me, and now the excuses.
What is misleading is that in some places the running order of the songs on the tape recording of Bob at a little gathering is shown as
1. Red Rosey Bush (trad.) 00:00
2. Johnny I Hardly Knew You (trad.) 03:22
3. Jesus Christ (Woody Guthrie) 07:45
4. Streets Of Glory (trad.) 10:33
5. K.C. Moan (1927 Memphis Jug Band) 11:20
6. Blues Yodel No. 8 (Jimmie Rodgers – G. Vaughan) 13:53
7. I’m A Gambler (trad.) 14:49
8. Talking Columbia (Woody Guthrie) 16:55
9. Talking Merchant Marine (Woody Guthrie) 17:33
10. Talking Hugh Brown 19:58
11. Talking Inflation (Tom Glazer) 21:27
12. Come See Jerusalem (trad.) – Missing
13. San Francisco Bay Blues (Jesse Fuller) – Missing
So as you can see Talking Hugh Brown comes in just on 20 minutes as song number 10. Except it doesn’t. At least not on the copy I’ve got. But, ears wide open (as Aaron’s are and mine aren’t) it is there at four minutes.
In other words, if you see a copy of the listing above, check that it relates to the recording you are listening to.
I knew a boy named Hugh Brown He's the laziest man in town Got up this morning and combed his hair He's so lazy, he just don't go anywhere He just kinda opens his door and walks out And looks around and walks away Well, he sprained his arm combing his hair I don't think that's quite really fair He lays in bed all the time I don't think that's very right He's such a lazy bastard You know, it was raining the other day, I mean the other night And Hugh Brown said And Hugh Brown, (he's) so lazy that He said to me, "Bob, it's raining on my bed" And I says "Oh", and he says "Yeah", and I says "Oh" Hugh Brown never closed the window
Oh, that’s the end.
Heylin has the song listed as the 10th composition in “Revolution in the air” and notes it as being “performed by Dylan in the fall of 1960, Minneapolis.” He notes it as being entirely improvised, and thus along with “Bonnie why’d you cut my hair?” has the songs down as “early markers of that rare ability Dylan has frequently displayed in the studio and onstage of composing “on the spot”.”
But I don’t go for that. The technique of improvising lyrics on the spot is not utterly easy to master, but it is not restricted to a golden few. Indeed in contemporary society where improvised comedy (or “improv” as it is known, as least in Britain) has become a very big thing, improvising a comic song is a common part of the routine. Indeed, in my own very amateur way I have done this with one or two ensembles in England, and some of the professionals with whom I have worked can knock out these pieces easily, on the spot.
If you listen to this recording
you’ll probably recognise it as the standard tune used for these comic affairs. And if you go to the link below you can see how it pans out – and yes it is all improvised on the spot…
The point is that yes, it takes skill, practice and nerve (in front of an audience) but it is not a mark of genius. Not everyone can improvise, and few can improvise well, but Heylin is strolling way out of his knowledge zone at this point in seeing Dylan’s early talking blues above as an indicator of some deep-rooted genius yet to express itself.
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I have the three set Minnesota Tapes CD from way back and I do not rccognise some of the songs you list above….maybe you’ve go a different version to mine and haven’t shared with anyone. Maybe.
The listing of songs corresponds exactly to the songs no 16 to 26 on volume 1 (called Ten Million In a Week) on the 4-CD bootleg I WAS SO MUCH YOUNGER THEN (Dandelion records, Europe 2000 — ) or is BobBoots #i-05 .
I haven’t really checked the durations of each number, but most are rather complete and the lyrics can be found from this very same web page.
Thanks Daniel for the information …. The songs as you say correspond with the 4CD set and first disc of I Was So Much Younger Then. Not on the Minnesota Tape 3CD set.
Was out last night with a group and one of the women knows Hugh Brown. He was Bob’s freshman college roommate at the UofM.