By Tony Attwood
Just recently we launched the Untold Dylan Showcase – quite simply an opportunity for readers of this site to submit recordings of themselves performing Dylan songs, or songs about Dylan, or songs inspired by Dylan – even in the most general of terms.
Our first submission set the bar very high, and I am delighted to say we have another piece now. This one is also of the highest quality, and is from Jüri Aidas performing “Make You Feel My Love”
Jüri writes…
“A couple of weeks ago I was trying to home record Mr. Tambourine Man, take after take, mistake after mistake …
“Then, somewhat frustrated, on impulse I changed songs, turned to Make You Feel My Love instead. First take turned out relatively fine. Just wondering what people would think of my rendering?
Me, I’m of Estonian origin, raised in Sweden … confusion of languages, i.e. no ‘deep’ language of my own. Spent my summers in England when I was 12, 13 and 14, in the countryside, Ockley, Sidmouth and Weymouth respectively … was paradise.
Later my two Dylans (Bob and Mr. Thomas) taught me a grown-up’s language. (Aside from the Bob covers I do, and some songs of my own, I’ve also spent my time setting Mr. Dylan Thomas poems to music.)
I am usually a hack at the guitar, but somehow this take of Make You Feel My Love turned out relatively well. Hopin’ you might like it.
All the best, 🙂
Jüri Aida
If you would like to submit a piece for this series, the only requirements are that it is somehow Dylan related. Just email the audio or video file to and mark the subject line of the email “Untold Dylan Showcase”. Please also supply some background information about yourself, recording the song or come to that anything else that you feel is relevant and would like to share.
I won’t publish your email address unless you specifically ask for that to happen.
What else is on the site?
We have a very lively discussion group “Untold Dylan” on Facebook with over 3400 active members. (Try imagining a place where it is always safe and warm). Just type the phrase “Untold Dylan” in, on your Facebook page or follow this link
You’ll find some notes about our latest posts arranged by themes and subjects on the home page of this site. You can also see details of our main sections on this site at the top of this page under the picture.
The index to all the 598 Dylan compositions and co-compositions that we have found on the A to Z page.
If you are interested in Dylan’s work from a particular year or era, your best place to start is Bob Dylan year by year.
On the other hand if you would like to write for this website, or indeed have an idea for a series of articles that the regular writers might want to have a go at, please do drop a line with details of your idea, or if you prefer, a whole article to
And please do note our friends at The Bob Dylan Project, which lists every Dylan song in alphabetical order, and has links to licensed recordings and performances by Dylan and by other artists, plus links back to our reviews (which we do appreciate).
Thank you Tony,
Second Showcase submission by Jüri Aida is very heartfelt and evocative very nice harmonica too! Good job Jüri 🙂
Exciting to have this new branch of Dylan related music and commentary growing from the strong Untold Dylan tree!
<3 denise