Sampling Bob Dylan: when Bob himself joined in.


By Tony Attwood and Aaron Galbraith

We have recently presented articles on the way those using sampling techniques have delved into Bob Dylan’s music to use it on their own tracks featuring “Lay Lady Lay” and “Just like Tom Thumbs Blues” (details are given at the end of this piece).

So Aaron has been doing more research on some further samples, and has found us several surprising ones!

Now we must confess once again that neither of us can be called an aficionado of this type of music although we have tried to give some background information on sampling in the Tom Thumb article.   So in what follows there might be a gaff or two – please do correct politely if we have got this very wrong.

First, here’s TV Girl with Benny And The Jetts…a pretty cool song I though, it’s a song about a girl listening to Benny & The Jets set to Sign On The Window! “Very nicely done,” says Aaron.

Next another one by Kid Cudi – Party All The Time using All The Tired Horses! Apparently he was only 17 when he did this – and it is much more conventional in terms of its sampling

Next we come to two artists using “Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You”

Or you are getting the hang of this now, or you have given up.  This one is Knxwledge – Shadysidetro and the opening music tells you all you need to know.

Sweatshop Union – Hit The Wall – and here once again once that opening line comes out you will know where we are, or at least roughly where we were before we started.

Finally Gabrielle with Rise…this was a number 1 hit in the UK…

It’s notable as it was an authorized sample, Dylan liked it so much he allowed the use of it for free and receives a co write credit…

This is a different type of sampling and it does not take too much imagination to understand why Bob himself liked it.

Previously on this subject…

What else is on the site?

We have a very lively discussion group “Untold Dylan” on Facebook with over 3400 active members.  (Try imagining a place where it is always safe and warm).  Just type the phrase “Untold Dylan” in, on your Facebook page or follow this link 

You’ll find some notes about our latest posts arranged by themes and subjects on the home page of this site.  You can also see details of our main sections on this site at the top of this page under the picture.

The index to all the 598 Dylan compositions and co-compositions that we have found on the A to Z page.

If you are interested in Dylan’s work from a particular year or era, your best place to start is Bob Dylan year by year.

On the other hand if you would like to write for this website, or indeed have an idea for a series of articles that the regular writers might want to have a go at, please do drop a line with details of your idea, or if you prefer, a whole article to

And please do note our friends at  The Bob Dylan Project, which lists every Dylan song in alphabetical order, and has links to licensed recordings and performances by Dylan and by other artists, plus links back to our reviews (which we do appreciate).


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