Unreleased Dylan lyrics discovered in a Cave

by Larry Fyffe

With all the rumours that we hear, the Untold Archaeology Department sent out our team of specialists to see if they could unearth any unreleased material by Bob Dylan.

Though we cannot reveal the location, there was one undamaged scroll for sure that our intrepid team uncovered.

Exclusive  for our readers only, here presented for the first time are some of the unreleased Dylan lyrics that our team dug up:

Infinity, when all things are beheld
Be nothing, be nothing at all
On the Ark that crossed the flood
They unfurled the flag to April’s breeze
I saw her flowing garments in the night
Sweep through as she walked the marble halls
Oh that my young life were a lasting dream
And my spirit not awaken with the beam
I calibrate myself and sing by myself
And what I exhume you shall consume
Success always tastes sweetest
To those who don’t succeed
The Flame Boy Ant, from God knows where
With his firm address and his foreign hair
In the red desert of Ethiopia I saw
The creature, naked, and bestial
There is something that does not love it all
That wants the frozen ground swell under it
Let the young ones be smothered out before
They do quaint deeds and flaunt their pride
Just as my fingers on this key
Makes music that the sparrows sound
Make my spirit make music too
And for a kiss I’ll throw it all into the deep Black Sea
(Bob Dylan: The Flame Boy Ant)
The bits and pieces and fragments of other scrolls that we found have to be put back together by our expects in order that the verses make sense. This could take some time to do.
Meanwhile,  enjoy our amazing discovery!

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And please do note   The Bob Dylan Project, which lists every Dylan song in alphabetical order, and has links to licensed recordings and performances by Dylan and by other artists, is starting to link back to our reviews

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