- Bob Dylan And Charles Baudelaire
- Bob Dylan And Charles Baudelaire (Part II): The Jack Of Arts
- Bob Dylan and Charles Baudelaire Part III
- Dylan And The Devil
By Larrry Fyffe
The songs of Bob Dylan hold out a little more hope than do the dark poems of Charles Baudelaire.
Charles Baudelaire speaks of individual despair:
(Charles Baudelaire: The Assassin’s Wine)
Bob Dylan speaks of a world in despair:
(Bob Dylan: Cat’s In The Well)
Poet Arthur Rimbaud, influenced by Baudelaire, inverts and darkens children’s fairy tales and nursery rhymes – such as Charles Perrault’s ‘Sleeping Beauty’:
(Arthur Rimbaud: Being Beautious)
Charles Perrault’s ‘Boots In Boots’ is about a poor fellow who gets to marry a princess; the singer/songwiter plays around with another fairy tale by Perrault – ‘Cinderella’:
Baudelaire turns the biblical theme of Cain and Abel upside down:
(Baudelaire: Abel And Cain)
According to Baudelaire, the reasonable men of the Age Of The Enlightenment have shut God outside the Universe.
The hunchback in the above verse alludes to a Victor Hugo story.
Arthur Rimbaud refers to Shakespeare’s dark play – ‘Hamlet’:
(Arthur Rimbaud: Ophelia)
Dylan sings of metaphorical death-in-life:
The darkness in Symbolist poetry runs through many of Bob Dylan’s song lyrics – tempered a bit by the light thrown by Romantic Transcendental poems, and Christian gospel songs.
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The index to the 500+ songs reviewed is now on a new page of its own. You will find it here. It contains links to reviews of every Dylan composition that we can find a recording of – if you know of anything we have missed please do write in.
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And please do note The Bob Dylan Project, which lists every Dylan song in alphabetical order, and has links to licensed recordings and performances by Dylan and by other artists, is starting to link back to our reviews
* Like a spectre, rise
* all the way to the ground