Tin Angel: The eternally running accompaniment to Dylan’s eternally running story.

By Tony Attwood

Ever since I first heard this song I have had this strange image of Bob coming into the recording studio and talking to the band.

“I’ve got a new song,” he says.

“OK,” say the guys, “have you got a chord sequence for us to follow?”

“There’s only one chord,” says Bob.

“Right,” they say, looking nervous.  “How long is the piece?”

“Nine minutes,” says Bob.

“What’s it about Bob?”

“Three people.”

“And what happens to them?”

“They all die.”

Tempest is an album about people dying – in a bad way.  Strangulation, being garrotted, drowning… that sort of thing.  This time we get adultery, murder and suicide while the double bass slips around over and over again.   Did the bass player actually have to play that same riff 100 times?  Maybe, but actually I hope for his/her own sanity Bob just asked for one verse and then replayed the bass part over and over.  And over.

As for the story, we know it is all going to go wrong from the opening.  “It was late last night when the boss came home” – somehow sounds to me like a 1950s American detective film in black and white, although as I was reminded a bit later when I went a looking, it is the opening line of  ‘Gypsy Davy’ by Woody Guthrie.  And the story comes from Black Jack Davy which Bob recorded for “Good as I have been to you”.   And that’s what we have here.  Bob going back over old ground.  That doesn’t make it any the worse for that, but I am not sure that it is old ground that I personally need covering again.

And if I might divert for a moment, if you are interested in the heritage of this song, and if you’ve not heard it before, do take in the White Stripes version of Black Jack Davy.

But back to Bob.   All of these songs cast their eyes back to The Gypsie Laddie, with the same notion of the wandering men who will tempt the young woman who has all the riches and security a fine nobleman can give her.  This causes the Lord to chase after the woman.

Dylan’s fascination with the wanderers, takes us back yet again to the Parting Glass, and it is a theme seemingly as old as English, Scottish and Irish folk songs.   Songs such as “The Raggle Taggle Gypsies”.  But in these songs of the woman giving it all up to go off with the stranger, there are also two other sub-plots.  One is the perfidious nature of women; the songs were written and sung by men for the most part, and women come off badly in the telling.  The other is the semi-magical quality of the traveller who doesn’t need the security most of us live within, and who can wander on, knowing they will always find money somewhere, and always be able to tempt the most beautiful woman away.

So with the opening “It was late last night when the boss came home”, with the eternally unchanging chord, and the unchanging double bass we get the picture, and we’re off into 9 minutes of black and white gloom.  And just in case we haven’t got it, we reference “Old Henry Lee” another name from the annals of history.

And so we move on with the three people in the story talking to each other, although sometimes it takes a moment to work out who is talking to whom.  And meanwhile there are so many references back to folk songs that it is sometimes hard to remember whether these are genuine folk songs being referenced or contemporary versions of what people think folk songs ought to sound like or just lines that sound as if they ought to come from folk songs.   “Well, they rode all night, and they rode all day…” I have heard it so often while listening to the song I can’t really remember where it started from.  (Black Jack Davy again, in this case, but it took me a while to get there).

So the roots of the song keep coming back to us, whether we can actually remember the exact origin of each line, or not, as with

“Well, saddle for me my coal black stud
He’s speedier than the gray
I rode all day and I’ll ride all night
And I’ll overtake my lady
I’ll bring back my lady”

from Black Jack Davy.   Bob gives us

Well, they rode all night, and they rode all day
Eastward, long down the broad highway
His spirit was tired and his vision was bent
His men deserted him and onward he went

It is curious perhaps to throw in the notion that within all this Bob is having fun – after all it this is a song about three deaths, and there is doom and gloom at every turn.  But as others have pointed out before me, there is a mix of contemporary images and references to times past throughout, and the ultimate implication is that Bob is messing with the genre, not the specific story.   Perhaps he hopes that in 100 years people will look back to this piece as giving a re-birth to the narrative song format… but I doubt it.

I doubt it because the format was designed as a story telling format to occupy and entertain people without the mass media.  People who were often illiterate, and for whom the only stories were the ones told or sung; mostly sung because singing a song makes it easier to remember.

But throughout, back in this song, we ourselves get as confused as the characters in the tale.   Just think of  “‘Husband?’ What husband? What the hell do you mean?”  And we are left thinking as we try to take this latest twist in, “Yes, what exactly is going on?”

The confusion that runs through the whole song could be a reminder of the way the original folk songs of this type evolved – making sense was not necessarily part of the agenda (an extreme case being Nottamun Town which Dylan used as a basis of “Masters of War”).   Which still leaves the question, is this a set of deliberate confusions reflecting the film noir origins of the piece, or was Bob just putting down the lines he thought of as he wrote the piece full on, not going back to check for any sort of consistency.

Or again it might be Bob doing what he has always done, giving us snippets and insights, and then as fast as we have got them, taking them away again.   Maybe this is the reason that the official Bob Dylan site fails even now (2017) to give us the lyrics of a song that has been out and about for several years.

My own guess, for what it is worth, is that Bob had no interest in delivering a story that makes sense.  That is not the point at all.  What we have is a never ending story.  Yes in one sense they all die, but that’s not quite right, so we can go back and sing the song again – if you really, really want to.

I think what we have here is not a story that needs to be taken apart but a story that is dark and mysterious that like the unchanging bass line just goes round and around and around.

But I find myself wondering – do many people play this song a lot.  I am sure some do.  However I found that after a couple of hearings it makes me sort of glaze over.  If I put the album on I listen, but find I’ve got to the end of the song without actually listening to it.

Some Dylan songs do remove part of the essence of music on occasion; It’s alright Ma is virtually all on one note except for the suddenly contrasting end of each verse (“So don’t fear / if you hear / a foreign sound…”).  It is that end of each verse, and the incredible power and drive of the main body of each verse that makes the song one we can listen to over and over.  But “Tin Angel”… we can listen, but I am not sure it has much impact.

What is on the site

1: Over 360 reviews of Dylan songs.  There is an index to these in alphabetical order below on this page, and an index to the songs in the order they were written in the Chronology Pages.

2: The Chronology.  We’ve taken all the songs we can find recordings of and put them in the order they were written (as far as possible) not in the order they appeared on albums.  The chronology is more or less complete and is now linked to all the reviews on the site.  We have also recently started to produce overviews of Dylan’s work year by year.     The index to the chronologies is here.

3: Bob Dylan’s themes.  We publish a wide range of articles about Bob Dylan and his compositions.  There is an index here.

4:   The Discussion Group    We now have a discussion group “Untold Dylan” on Facebook.  Just type the phrase “Untold Dylan” in, on your Facebook page or follow this link 

5:  Bob Dylan’s creativity.   We’re fascinated in taking the study of Dylan’s creative approach further.  The index is in Dylan’s Creativity.

6: You might also like: A classification of Bob Dylan’s songs and partial Index to Dylan’s Best Opening Lines

And please do note   The Bob Dylan Project, which lists every Dylan song in alphabetical order, and has links to licensed recordings and performances by Dylan and by other artists, is starting to link back to our reviews.


  1. I am starting to pity you Tony, working through these songs you just don’t get. There’s nothing wrong in you saying they are not working for you, but why putting yourself through this ordeal? For me Tin Angel throws a spell, get’s me in a dream trance and yes intermingles the deeply mythic with gruesome modern lack of real communication and an overload of confusion. Furthermore, the technique of the dialogue is worth a complete study, it never fails to amaze me, like a good play. If Tempest would have ended on this note it would have even been a better album, cause it’s title song, though interesting sometimes overstays its welcome

  2. But I do not wonder anymore why Dylan seems to have abondend writing, the lack of understanding Tempest got on a literary level, despite the Nobel, is staggering. People salivating over the simplistic yet harrowing lyrics of Time out of Mind, they just seem to be schred away by the deep poetry of his last real album, in my opinion, that is.

  3. Agree to every word in Hans comments.
    Dylan takes the old songs Black Jack Davy and The Gypsie Lady and utilizing the folk tradition of “borrowing” , builds a new fascinating song out of it.
    He adds few new twists and ideas which thoroughly change the original songs- the main one is-The coexistence of two kinds of love- the physical one, which the aging husband can no longer fulfill and is the reason for the wife duplicity , and the lifelong enduring love which causes the wife to kill her lover.
    Also, as Hans points out, the dialog between the characters is brilliant. It builds an atmosphere of dark suspense which is totally lacking from the original songs .
    A misunderstood masterpiece.

  4. Agree to every word in Shabtai’s comments.
    Tin Angel’s narrative is actually very clear, the characters and their actions carefully laid out. Paying close attention provides rich rewards.

  5. I enjoy this one quite a bit. The music is simplistic and sinister and really makes you absorb the story. This is actually in my rotation quite a bit. Tempest as a whole is my favorite Dylan album since Desire in terms of Bob’s chronology.

  6. I love this song. It is a masterpiece. I can sing it by rote but because I love the story. I have always seen it as a Scottish saga that blends very old images with much more modern ones. I love that. “he leaned down cut the electric wire, stared into the flames and he snorted the fire” I mean, priceless. Anyway…if I could get an accompaniment I would sing it and post it as Karaoke. I have probably listened to this song a few hundred times. The whole album is a masterpiece…maybe his last great work.

  7. Its 2020 now and the words to Tin Man are up on the Dylan home base….I have listened to this song a lot and enjoy its storytelling each time … I puzzle at the electric wire being cut and wonder was electricity around in the time we are hearing about….Anyway, I agree with Zvonimir say above here….. it is a great song, great piece of story telling and story writing. Well done Bob and thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. The message in this song is: let your wife hang out with the wrong man until she sees for herself that it was a mistake. There are many traditional songs on this theme. In the songs with a happy ending, she comes back herself and he didn’t force her. In a forced retrieval attempt, the ending is always tragic, as in this song.

    I think Dylan’s songs are about his constant love for one woman, who left him for another. She came back, but very late. He has probably often wondered if he should have done more, if he should have persuaded her in person and not just in songs. But that probably wouldn’t have worked, because then she would have gotten mad, like in this song. Until a woman herself realizes that she is on the wrong path, she cannot be convinced.

  9. Three smart violent people successful in a rough raw world. Passionate woman screws around, they spill their guts, kill each other. Haunting.

  10. He lowered himself down on a golden chain
    His nerves were quaking in every vein
    (Bob Dylan: Tin Angel)

    Dylan reverses a piece penned in Baroque style ~ instead, a restrained Puritan goes berserk because of his unfaithful wife ~

    You see, the symbolic golden chain hangs down to earth so that the chosen Elect can climb up (not down ) to receive their deserved glory from Jesus Who is in Heaven:

    Reason lies prisoned in this golden chain
    Chain up thy tongue and silent stand a while
    (Edward Taylor: Meditations 41:7)

  11. In Dylan’s song, the runaway wife sticks up for her dying husband; stabs his slayer in the heart:

    “All husbands are good men as all wives know”
    Then she pierced him in the heart, and his blood did flow
    (Bob Dylan: Tin Angel)

    Twists the theme of a recorded ballad of old:

    Then up spoke his own dear wife
    Never heard to speak so free
    “I’d rather a kiss from dead Matty’s lips
    Than you or your finery”
    (Matty Groves: Fairport Convention)

  12. Only two die in the ballad below:

    A grave, a grave, Lord Bernard cried
    To put these lovers in
    But lay my lady on the upper hand
    For she comes of nobler kin
    (Little Musgrave And Lady Bernard: Book of Ballads)

  13. Correction:

    Then she pierced him to the heart
    (Tin Angel)

    As in:

    Then drew a knife, both long and sharp
    And pierced him to the heart
    (Fause Footrage: Book of Ballads ~(ed) Arthur Quiller-Couch)

  14. Glasgerion is the name of a harp-playing son of a king.
    His deceiving servant fools a noble lady into having sex:

    Finding out, she kills herself at the thought of giving birth to a lowly offspring:

    And she pulled forth a little pen-knife
    That hanged by her knee ….

    The noble man that he is, the king’s son chops off the servant’s head:

    “But if I have not killed a man tonight
    Jack, thou has killed three ….”

    With vowels a-shifting, the prince then stabs himself to death:

    He set his sword’s point till his breast
    The pommel till a stone
    Through the falseness of that lither lad
    These three lives are all gone
    (Glasgerion: Book of Ballads)

  15. You, you’re a reckless fool – I see that
    (Homer: The Odyssey , book VIII – trans)

    You’re a reckless fool, I could see that in your eyes
    (Dylan: Tin Angel)

  16. Larry I think we all know that Dylan has lifted lines from elsehwere – I am not sure there is much point in pointing out individual cases of this. Heylin is full of it so it is all there for anyone who wants to read that.

  17. I don’t pay much attention to Heylin. Rather, I had noticed that Joch, in a recent Untold referencing of a number of Robert Fagles translations of Homer employed by Dylan, missed the Tin Angel tribute (above). Good gracious!! Heylin certainly never noticed it, or anyone else, as far as I know. It’s my original research! And cerainly of interest to many readers, and analysts of Dylan songs, including Joch.

  18. The Greek commander chides the Greek warrior Achilles for offering a mere promise if Achilles’ slave girl is returned immediately:

    Oh, no, you won’t get past me, take me in that way
    (Homer: The Iliad, Book I -Fagles translation

    Says ( apparently) the husband to the man who took off with his runaway wife:

    You’ll have to try to get past me first
    (Dylan: Tin Angel)

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