As noted in a number of previous articles, singer/songwriter Bob Dylan draws on Egyptian mythology to serve as symbols in his lyrics. For example, Isis and her brother Osiris, produce a son Horus, depicted as a god with a falcon for a head with its right eye representing the power of the sun; and the smaller left eye representing the moon – “She can take the dark out of the night-time/And paint the daytime black.” (She Belongs To Me). Osiris is mutilated by his jealous brother Seth, but Isis finds Osiris’ genitals and gives birth to Horus.
Mystics contend that there is third eye that enables humans, if they open it, to observe the life force that powers the Universe. The eye is in the brain, invisible, indetectable by the best of scientists, and beyond the manufacturing capabilities of any businessman.
A futility expressed in the irony of the following song lyrics:
In some cultures, the third eye is symbolized by a red dot in the middle of the brow:
In these modern materialistic times, there is no spiritual link, no mystical connection, nor any mythological connection, with the life-force driving the Universe; indeed, the possibility of finding a conduit to it is getting farther and farther away. So writes a Modernistic poet with a Romatic bent:
Saith the above poet, coming instead is the merciless Sphinx from Egyptian lore: “A shape with a lion body and head of a man”.
That’s enough to scare anybody, and Bob Dylan puts on his Horus mask and rides off in search of some balls; he wants to please Isis:
Horus returns to his home town – looking rather different as far as Isis is concerned. He re-marries his young mother, and the Sphinx demands that Horus answer a riddle or ‘there’s going to be trouble in this here town; it ain’t big enough for both of us’. To wit: ‘There are two sisters; one gives birth to the other who in turn gives birth to the first – Who are they?’
Isis is more than happy to provide her husband with the right answer – ‘Day and Night’. The Sphinx crumbles:
She nicknames her son “Horse” – You see, while away Horus makes off with Uncle Seth’s testicles.
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*Romantic bent
See also lyrics to With The Memphis (Egypt) Blues Again, re, Ruthie, Isis’ sister.
I miss Leonard too.
I’ll get over it, and start playing his records again …. sooner than later, I hope.
The Eye of Horus is often featured at Dylan’s concerts.