For Bob’s birthday we offer “Sheep in Wolf’s clothing” the album cover!

By Tony Attwood

When we come up with a new idea none of us has any idea whether we will get lots of replies and lots of interest or none at all.   This is especially so with notions like the Bob Dylan Showcase, and the concept of our creating an album of outtakes, and then asking our readers to design a cover.

But I think it is fair to say that all of us who write Untold Dylan are just knocked out by the enthusiasm and interest of everyone who reads this site.

Yet even though I am getting used to the fact that Untold Dylan readers are a really lively and creative group, I was unsure if we would get anyone to devise a front and back cover for “Sheep in Wolves Clothing”.

So Aaron agreed to put together his own covers.  But we’ve already had two other submissions.  There is no prize, no award, and unless Bob’s record company wants to give me a call to discuss the actual real-live release of “Sheep in Wolves’ Clothing” no actual album.  But certainly for Aaron and I, and from our readers who are taking part in this, it is fun.

So there is no competition, and there are no prizes, but if you want to design a cover for this invented album (which I have to say in my opinion is quite an improvement on “Down in the Groove”) please do create it, and send it to

Aaron’s front and back covers


Babette’s front and back cover

Rick Hager’s covers were published earlier – they are here.

Here’s the track listing with links to each song…

Meanwhile if you are interested in artwork I am sure you will enjoy our series on the art work on Bob’s album covers.  Indeed if you have never seen it plesae do spend a few moments with the article on your favourite album…  In virtually every case you will find pictures you have never seen before.

Untold Dylan: who we are what we do

Untold Dylan is written by people who want to write for Untold Dylan.  It is simply a forum for those interested in the work of the most famous, influential and recognised popular musician and poet of our era, to read about, listen to and express their thoughts on, his lyrics and music.

We welcome articles, contributions and ideas from all our readers.  Sadly no one gets paid, but if you are published here, your work will be read by a fairly large number of people across the world, ranging from fans to academics who teach English literature.  If you have an idea, or a finished piece send it as a Word file to with a note saying that it is for publication on Untold Dylan.

We also have a very lively discussion group “Untold Dylan” on Facebook with around 5500 active members. Just type the phrase “Untold Dylan” in, on your Facebook page or follow this link 

You’ll find some notes about our latest posts arranged by themes and subjects on the home page of this site.  You can also see details of our main sections on this site at the top of this page under the picture.  Not every index is complete but I do my best.

But what is complete is our index to all the 604 Dylan compositions and co-compositions that we have found, on the A to Z page.  I’m proud of that; no one else has found that many songs with that much information.  Elsewhere the songs are indexed by theme and by the date of composition. See for example Bob Dylan year by year.


  1. As a response i pick Rick Hagar’s front cover and Arron’s back cover, could look good.

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