Bob Dylan And The Dylavinci Code (Part XXIV)

by Larry Fyffe

Links to all the previous articles in the series are given at the end.   And here is the list of cover versions from those articles… after which is today’s episode

By Larry Fyffe

Jesus, personified by singer/songwriter Bob Dylan as the narrator in the following song, runs away with His daughter, and travels all the way to Utah.

The original lyrics are pieced together from fragments found in the Holy Grail, now stored in the Archives Department of the Dylan Untold Corporation.

No wonder sad-eyed Jesus decides to drift over the Atlantic Ocean with blanketed Sophia Sarah wrapped up in His arms.

As evidenced in the following pieced-together song lyrics:

God said, "Christ, kill me your daughter"
Jesus say, "Man, you can't mean slaughter'er?"
God say, "No"; Jesus say, "What?"
God say, "You can do want you want, son
But the next time you see me coming, you better run"
(Bob Dylan: Highway LXI Revisited)

It’s quite obvious for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear, that clues to the solution of the Dylavinci Code are spread throughout many of the songs by Bob Dylan, whether old, new, or reworked, wherein the narrator thereof often takes on the persona of Jesus Christ.

Or the lyrics reference John the Baptist, as Kees de Graaf points out.

The Baptist calls Christ the sacrificial "Lamb of God":
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him
And saith, "Behold the Lamb of God
Which taketh away the sin of the world"
(John 1: 29)

Jesus rebels; decides to save his daughter Sophia from such a fate, evidenced by the lines below:

I don't complain, what I need is control
To gain the whole world, and give up my soul
I ain't going to hell for anybody
Not for father, not for mother
Not for sister, not for brother
No way
(Bob Dylan: Ain't Going To Hell For Anybody)

No way, Jose.

Not for father Roman soldier Panther; nor for mother Saint Mary; nor for sister Mary Magdalene; and certainly not for brother Lazarus.

Index to past episodes


  1. In reference to the following biblical verse:

    He that loveth father or mother more than me
    Is unworthy of me
    And he that loveth son or daughter more than me
    Is not worthy of me
    (Matthew 10: 37)

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